Amateur Radio
Please choose one of the following 18 links.
- Amateur Radio newsLine
- Amateur Radio Repeater database of all open US Ham radio repeaters.
- American Radio Relay League, ARRL.ORG
- APRS Search page
- Dayton Hamvention
- Federal Communications Commission, (FCC)
- Ham License exam question pools
- Ham Test Online
- KB0MGA's Practice Exams, or view questions one at a time
- Listening Post, Web-Controled HF Radio Receiver
- North American Center for Emergency Communications (NACEC)
- Nu Morse code Learning and Practice Program
- Practice FCC Amateur Radio exams
- QRP Amateur Radio Club International
- Online Ham CallSign Database
-, free web pages and email for Hams
- W4ATc Student Amateur Radio Society from North Carolina State University
- Getting ourselves in trouble, one solder joint at a time