Users Forum


Welcome to the System Access Mobile Network users forum. This forum is monitored by all staff, trainers, and those interested in Serotek. Therefore, posts must meet one of the following requirements:
1. Do not post voice messages in this forum. The only exception to this is for those with physical limitations that prevent them from typing.
2. It must be a question about Serotek software, products or services.
3. It must answer a question, or educate subscribers about Serotek software, products or services.
4. List software usable with System Access and other Serotek software.
5. report a specific problem with serotek software, System Access Mobile Network, or other Serotek product or service.
6. Messages must include a one sentence description of the exact problem, numbered steps taken to reproduce the issue, and frequency of problem. Others responding should follow steps outlined by the original poster and report if they could, or could not reproduce the problem.
Messages saying something doesn't work without details can not be resolved without specifics.
7. Do not post problems with content links on this forum. Send them to:
8. Do not exchange personal contact info on this forum.
9. Do not use this forum to market any product or service you are selling.
10. Please be nice to others on the forum and don't be to hard on our staff. They have feelings too!
Browse the forum threads to learn the things we discuss in this forum. Check out all the different forums and if you feel inclined, create one, announce it here, and post the first message in your new forum. Try our chat rooms where you can speak with staff and experienced users. We are more than glad to help you resolve problems you are having. Serotek staff will be reviewing posts in this forum and hanging out in the chat room as time permits. All questions will be answered as quickly as possible. This is the only forum moderated by staff. We will keep messages on topic. Messages deemed off topic will be removed and the poster will be warned. Posters ignoring guidelines after warnings will be band from the forum. We will not remove messages that speak good or bad about Serotek. The only reason this forum is moderated is to keep people on topic.
Finally, we welcome your comments and suggestions, and thank you for respecting the limited time of your fellow-users.