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Alma: Off topic: Dream about Sero Community Last Night

Hi all,

I hope this message finds you all well. I just wanted to share that I had a dream last night that somehow, Richard Wells and Zoraida were on staff at Pneuma Solutions and they were somehow selling cell phones with System Access on them. But the catch if we bought one, was that we could only use the Sero app on them and nothing more, which meant that we could only call contacts who also used Sero.

I find this particularly amusing because I can't imagine Richard or Zoraida doing such a thing, nor can I imagine Pneuma Solutions endorsing such an action.

Just thought I'd share. Hope this makes someone else smile like it did me. I sure woke up in an interesting mood this morning. <lol>

Have a marvelous Monday!



Will W (Pneuma Solutions Staff): Re: Off topic: Dream about Sero Community Last Night

Hi Alma,
Lol, I think those days of propriatary devices are a thing of the past in our minds. That was quite the interesting dream though.


Alma: Re: Off topic: Dream about Sero Community Last Night

Yes, it sure was. Imagine my shock when I woke to use the restroom. Hahaha!



Richard Wells: Re: Off topic: Dream about Sero Community Last Night

Alma: You told me you weren't going to tell anyone about this. Some people just can't keep a secret. Whatever will Zoraida and I do now? We violated our non-disclosure agreement and now we have been caught red-handed because someone couldn't keep her mouth shut. Hheheeheheheheheheheheheheheheheh!


Alma: Re: Off topic: Dream about Sero Community Last Night

Hi Richard, I'm so sorry. I thought an NDA was simply a formality. My bad! <lol>

