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Scott D: Previous & Next Buttons

I'll go ahead and apologize for posting this in the wrong place if it's deemed off topic. It has been a while, but over the weekend while I was going through the forums, it occurred to me that it would be great if there were previous and next buttons to use instead of having to constantly hit the escape key while navigating the messages, and then somewhere in the deep resesses of my mind I thought some time back that this was possible. Am I wrong? Could this feature be added?


Scott D: Re: Previous & Next Buttons

Okay, I know that you're generally not suposed to answer to your own post! But I just caught myself while checking the forums, while there is a next button, the previous button is missing. I do think that this would be a nice added feature, as I said before, for navigating and catching up on new forum messages.


Rose Combs: Re: Previous & Next Buttons

I'd also like a way to save a message without having to enter another app to save info such as a phone number.


Karen G: Re: Previous & Next Buttons

Rose, I have a suggestion for saving information you find in a post or message. Simply select the information you want, press CTRL-C to copy the message, then paste the selection into a note, a document, or wherever you wish the information to be saved. I did this from a FaceBook message from my cousin, and saved it in a note. I can then check in that note for her phone number. Hope this helps.


Alma: Re: Previous & Next Buttons

Hi Scott,

There are, at least on my end, previous and next buttons. :) If you press the letter B, or shift B, to go forward or back respectively it should navigate you through the buttons.




Alma: Re: Previous & Next Buttons

Just a slight correction to my message: there is only a next button, not a previous. For my part, I would perhaps like to see that as an option if people want to enable it, but a previous button would be tedious I think.

Just my $.02,



Scott D: Re: Previous & Next Buttons

Thanks for the input! Usually I would agree with you, except for the times which are happening more and more when I've let the posts build up, and I'm just trying to go through them, but then there's that one I should have responded to at the time, but I continue through the reading, and when it comes to the end I've made it hard on myself to go back and try to find the needle in the haystack!


Will W (Pneuma Solutions Staff): Re: Previous & Next Buttons

Strange,but I'm not seeing any previous or next buttons on my end, maybe I'm missing something?


Zoraida Morrison: Re: Previous & Next Buttons

Will, every forum post features three buttons at the bottom of each post: Next button, Reply button, and Reply Privately button.
