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Alma: Seeking Clarification about Sero Email Address Availability on iOS only Subscrip

Hi everyone,

This doesn't apply to me personally, however, I am hoping that someone more knowledgeable on the subject can clear this up once and for all. :)

Can those people who are subscribed to the iOS only or android-only plans for $5.95 per month who also have a sero username receive and send email from said username?

Thanks for any and all information!

God's blessings,



Richard Wells: Re: Seeking Clarification about Sero Email Address Availability on iOS only Subs

Alma: This subscription is only for Voice Chat, Forums and Sero Content. Email is not included.


Alma: Re: Seeking Clarification about Sero Email Address Availability on iOS only Subs

Gotcha. I'm glad I picked the package I did, in that case. :)

Thanks for clearing all that up!


P.S. I'm still waiting on my new shiny cell phone! <lol>


Richard Wells: Re: Seeking Clarification about Sero Email Address Availability on iOS only Subs

Alma: I forgot to tell you, the project was canceled and it's all your fault. I tried to warn you not to tell our little secret, but you wouldn't listen.


Alma: Re: Seeking Clarification about Sero Email Address Availability on iOS only Subs

Lol Richard, I’ve certainly learned my lesson!



Helena Fehr: Re: Seeking Clarification about Sero Email Address Availability on iOS only Subs

Hey, buys, I haven’t been able to see if there is an IOs or Android only plan, How can I find out what plans are available and the prices? Does anyone know, for example, if there is a plan available for Only DocuScan Plus, but not the rest of the package? I’d also still loved to stay subscribed to the form, though I don’t use the Sero email for much else because I’ve already got other email accounts that work on all my devices.Thanks1
