Searching for content on Sero is very intuitive and easy to do. You can search both on your home computer and on the go with your mobile device. In both cases, as you type, Sero will begin to auto-fill matching options to help narrow your choices.
From the Sero home screen, press the Tab key once.
In the drop down box, you can choose to search:
Arrow to the area you wish to search and press Tab again.
Begin typing your search term. If you're searching Sero content, Sero will begin to fill in a search below the edit field as you type. Even if you type only part of a word, Sero will narrow the options and begin listing items containing your search term.
Tab once to the list of options Sero has found for you.
Arrow down until you fined the one you wish, and press Enter.
When you're searching the Web, it works a little differently. In this case, Sero won't automatically fill in search results as you type; instead, you need to press Enter after you've typed your search terms. At that point, Sero will search the Web and show the results in a standard list.
You can search from parts of Sero other than the home screen. For example, if you're in the Entertainment category and you want to search just that part of Sero, press Tab once to get to the search field, then start typing. Sero will automatically fill in search results as you type, just as it does when you search all Sero content from the home screen.
From the top of the home screen of the Sero app, swipe to the right to locate the search field, then double-tap it to activate it.
Swiping to the right you’ll see options to search:
Double-tap the choice you wish to search, then swipe left to the search field and double-tap it to activate it.
Begin typing your search term. When you're searching Sero content, Sero will begin to fill in results below the field and search options as you type. Even if you type only part of a word, Sero will narrow the options and begin listing items containing your search term.
Swipe through to the list of options Sero has found for you.
Swipe to the right until you find the one you wish, and activate it.
If you see no results auto filling, try pressing the Search button located at the bottom right of your screen. Sometimes there isn’t an exact match to your search string, and pressing the Search button can help. You will also need to do this if you're searching the Web rather than Sero content, because in that case, Sero will not automatically fill in results as you type.
You can search from parts of Sero other than the home screen. For example, if you're in the Entertainment category and you want to search just that part of Sero, swipe to the search field near the top of the screen, double-tap it to activate it, then start typing. Sero will automatically fill in search results as you type, just as it does when you search all Sero content from the home screen.
Last modified September 09, 2016
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